Very Excellent Habits

20 Signs That You’re An Adult.

1. You pick people up from the airport.

2. You have keys on your key ring and you have no idea what they’re for.

3. It’s not cause for serious alarm if a friend tells you she’s pregnant because they’re generally doing it on purpose these days.

4. You get so much pleasure out of buying staples in bulk.

Mr Smaggle and I after buying 20 rolls of toilet paper for $6 (source)

5. You own a set of proper visitor bed linen.

6. You start to highly recommend extremely mundane products to friends like microwaves and instant porridge packs.

7. Gift vouchers are totally rad.

$100 at Kmart… FUCK YES!  (source)

8. You go to nurseries and hardware stores by choice.

9. You spend money on things like light-bulbs and carpet cleaner.

10. You can’t eat certain foods because they’re ‘too rich’.

11. You think it’s perfectly reasonable to spend a couple of hundred dollars a quarter for the privilege of being warm.

12. Mail is rarely, if ever, exciting.

13. You care about things like recycling and whether or not other people vaccinate their children.

14. Sleep is the most greatest thing.

Me. Most of the time. (source)

15. You have a wrapping paper drawer.

16. You’d rather drink nothing than cheap vodka when you’ve run out of your favourite wine.

17. You have to go to the bank.

18. A set of good knives or saucepans is the gift of your dreams.

19. You start paying people to do things you can do yourself like wax your legs or mow your lawn.

20. You’re the first person who’s owned your car.

What makes you feel like an adult?

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