Very Excellent Habits

10 signs that you’ve been style blogging for too long…



1.Your camera has replaced your face.

2. You self-narrate your day Carrie Bradshaw style

3. You justify buying damaged clothes because ‘it will never show up on the blog’.

4.When you use spell check you realise you’ve spelled ‘winter’ as ‘wintour’. Six times.

5. You’ve taken your daily outfit shot against the same wall so many times that when your friends come over they’re all ‘Oh my god. Is that THE WALL???’

6. When you mention Susie Bubble in a conversation you’re shocked that no one knows who she is.

7. You can’t pose for family holiday snaps without going pigeon toed and tossing your hair across your face.

8. You know your regular readers so well that you get worried when they don’t comment. ‘Hmmmm…. Nadist hasn’t commented on my outfit today. I hope nothing has happened to her…’

9. Your close friends and family have adopted your alias. I must have received at least 5 Christmas presents addressed to ‘Lady Smaggle’.

10. You still miss Style Bytes.

What about you Miss or Mr Blogger? Any strange behaviours you’ve adopted as a result of your blog?

Love Lady Smaggle (…she typed thoughtfully, head cocked to one side, sipping vegetable juice and absentmindedly scratching her left foot with her right one…)


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