Very Excellent Habits

10 Lovely Things To Do On A Saturday


oday I’d love for every one of you to do something lovely for yourself. We spend so much time working and taking care of kids that we don’t take enough time to have little moments of joy. Please have a moment of joy today. Here are 10 lovely things to do on a Saturday.

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1. Walk on grass with bare feet

2. Call your favourite friend who lives far away and chat to them for a while

3. Read something frivolous

4. Bake some fancy biscuits with piped icing and decorations

5. Visit a market or go op-shopping

6. Get a takeaway coffee and wander around an art gallery

7. Make popcorn and watch your favourite movie

8. Make a kite and fly it in the park

9. Create a playlist for someone you love and send it to them on a USB

10. Treat yourself to a fancy lunch with a glass of wine

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What are your Saturday plans this week?

For Becky xxx

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